*The scene starts by a w0man at a d0ct0r's clinic nd its CLEAR shes pregnant..*
*The d0c c0mes in ..Hes n0t a n0rmal d0c frankly!!..Hes wearin weird cl0thes[Yell0w tr0users,a shirt with carto0n pictures 0n it 0f bugs bunny nd atie that is black in c0l0ur with RED hearts!!]
.weird glasses[LIKE LARGE GLASSES...Ka3b k0baya!!Thats n0t it..they r YELL0W glasses!,Met2am l tie m3 l pantal0n 3shan l shyaka
]..nd u cant help bt laugh @ h0w he lo0ks*
*He starts putting his ears next t0 the ladies tummy..nd c0ncentrates..
The d0c: Mama zamnha gaya..gaya b3d shwayah..gayba le3ab w 7agat...gayba m3aha shant..a..
The lady t0 herself : Mal0 da?!?
The d0c:L2a tamam tamam..lbaby zy l f0l..
The lady: Bgd ya d0c.y3ni na fadely ad eh kda isa w awld?
The d0c:snia kda...*He starts t0 wisper t0 her tummy*
L2a hwa msh 3ayez ynzel dlwa2tii...Hwa lssa wara match l esbuu3 l gy fl dawry wb3d kda e7tmal ynzel
The lady:Msh 3ayez ynzel..dlwa2ty? match fl dawry?!?! Eh ya d0c l 7adretak bt2ulu da
The d0c:Nty 20damek..3la l 2a2al kda esbuu3 ykuun 5alas l dawry w 25ad l kass wb3d kda isa tb2y tgele wnb2a nshuuf...
The lady:kass eh ya d0ct0r?!
*She starts screamin ..shes g0in t0 have the baby N0W..shkl0 kda msh hystana l dawry wala l kass
*The lady[N0w an 0fficial m0m] again bas this time we r in a scho0l playgr0und*
The m0m:Yalla ya 7atem ya 7bibi..yala 3shan htruu7 l madrasa
na msh 3ayez aYuu7 l madYasa..L madYasa k0lha w7uush
The m0m:Ya 7atuma ya 7bibi..meen bas l 2alak kda..Mfish 7aga esmaha w7uush ya 7bibii..
*An0ther lady appr0aches them nd we can tell that shes a teacher..but N0 N0T A N0RMAL TEACHER!!..she lo0ks EVIL!! XD...Black l0ng hair,black eyes.L0ng black fingernails..l0ng black dress..
BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!,She just gives u the creeps!!*
*7atem starts t0 cry even m0re !!*
The teacher: Nta ya zeft..e7m e7m..asdy ya amuur..esmak eh
*7atem just stares at her nd d0esnt say a w0rd..he even st0pped cryin..*
The m0m: Esm0 7atem..
The teacher: Tb yalla ya 70ma..[R]...asdi ya 7ATEM 3shan n50sh l class..
*The teacher grabs 7atem by f0rce nd takes him t0 class..The m0m's heart is br0ken at the sight 0f her child cryin bs MA BLYAD 7ELA!! XD We all eventually g0 t0 scho0l nd leave 0ur m0ms:) right?!*
[Afer L0ng l0ng l0ng L00000000000000NG studyin j0urney..It was l0ng f0r 7atem anyway
..its finally his graduati0n day!!]
The m0m*S0bbin*:7atem 7bibii msh msd2aa..nta htt5rg ya 7bebe 5las..na lssa fakra awl y0m d5lt feeh l mdrasa da akn0 embare77..kbrt ya 7bibii..kbrttt *stars t0 cry even m0re*
*7atem hugs his m0m..nd kisses her hands*