S0 it all started when a friend 0f mine DECIDED t0 set me 0n a blind date with this guy she kn0ws nd wh0m she was 100% SURE w0uld be my prince charming!!
nd i was f0olish en0ugh t0 agree!!
"Whats the w0rst that c0uld happen",I th0ught t0 myself..
"He might even be a perfect match f0r me..Wh0 kn0ws?!" --Silly me!!
The date was in this very fancy restaurant that recently 0pened in t0wn..
I went there feelin a little bit h0peful..
0KAY 0KAY!! it wasnt a liittle bit h0peful..I felt happy nd well apparantly i was 0ver excited!! D0nt blame :@ my s0 called friends t0ld me we w0uld be a perfect c0uple...
3mtnn lets n0t f0rget the main st0ry!!
I entered the restaurant nd i asked the waitress abt him nd she p0inted t0 a table..Wya retha ma shawrt!!
I was like 0-M-G
Was she kiddin me?!?!
U have t0 c what i saw t0 understand what i mean!!
& put in mind "THE BO0K" he was readin 0N "A DATE"!!
s0 I tried t0 be a little bit 0ptimistic..maybe he just lks like a nerd but hes n0t a nerd..maybe!!
I sh0uldnt judge ppl after all!
Nd after abt half n h0ur 0f c0nvincin myself t0 n0t run away nd t0 g0 nd sit with him..I successeded!
Wya rtnii mng7tttt!!
After intr0ducti0n nd 0rderin 0ur fo0d..Nd I think that was the last thing i said f0r the WH0LE NIGHT!
He kept 0n talkin nd talkin nd talkin abt anything nd everything!!
Bs tb3n na mn b3d awl r0b3 sa3a i wasnt with him asln..my mind was s0mewhere else..i was actually thinkin abt h0w w0uld i kill my friend?!
Sh0uld i use a gun 0r a knife?!
Thats a glimpse 0f h0w i lo0ked ..B0red t0 death
Then after an0ther an h0ur..i f0und 0ut that that was bgd EN0UGH!!
I c0uldn take anym0re 0f thaat!!
I excused myself t0 g0 fix my makeup nd in the Wc
Nd after i managed t0 calm myself d0wn..
I went back t0 him wna mkrra n i'll just tell him hes a V-E-R-Y nice pers0n bs we ddnt just click!!
I went there bs bef0re i c0uld say ay 7aga..
He t0ld me ..0k s0 i c u enj0yed urself bs um s0rry ur n0t my type!!
& he left nd thats it!!
0mal bas law k0nt his type kan 3amal eh?!
Wbgd bgd bgd..thats h0w i felt..
Ps: He ddnt even pay f0r the fo0d!!