*safo and amal enters the eval room*
wearing pharaohs costumes
amal is sitiing on a golden chair
Safo comes nearby her (mafrood l kalam bl hero3'leefy bs we translated it
he says :"amal hal ta3refeen anany o7eboki 7oban 3'ayr tabee3i ?"
Amal : w maza fa3alt ya m0skr3(Lesm lher03'lefe bta3 m0stafa) lekay tothbet leeh haza L7ob??!
Nak la taf3al shay2an 3'yar l kalam wl kalam wl kalam...!!
moustafa: a3'medi 3aynayki ya 7abeebaty
Amal : *closes her eyes*
moustafa: *gives her a flower*
moustafa: onzory maza a7darto laki ya 3azeezaty
Amal : Ya elahy amuun!!
,hal haza ma yosbet leeh 7obak ya safo
moustafa: laa enany aydan katabto laky kaseedat she3r
Amal : etrebony
moustafa: *ya amalo 7ayaty anty janaty fel 7ayah
law yawm tfarekona l zoroof
kad 7abeebaty amoot mel 5awf
3alaiky w 3al 5aroof alazy a7dartoho elayky
in lamastakmel 7yaty beki
ra7 mooot mn doon hal boot
alazy o7obek talbeseenaho
7abeebaty da2eman ebky b ganeby
la2anany mn donek banhar
w 7ayaty tosbe7 nar
w a3isho ana f ga7eem
w0fdel l ferar mn l ta3lab l makar!!*
Amal : 7akeekatan f*ga2tany o7obak mn kol kalby w kayany ya mawlay
fa lnzhab l takdeem l karabeen ll alehaa ..!!
*Amal bt2oom mn 3al korsy and they hide behind the wall*
They Get Out wearing old style clothes
Safo Is wearing suspender, tarboosh , pantalon marfoo3 l 7ad zooro zay maby2olo
black shoes mtlama3a a7san talmee3!!
w tb3an sha3ro far2o mel nos w 7atet 3aleeh zeet 5amas 5amsat (Y)
wmasek tab3an f ed0 lm2sha l kan0 byhaw0 beha ....
but amal .....!
she was standing on a chair bs mkntsh bayna her hair kan bayen & weird..kan m3muul b0mbeeh lf02.. she hid her cl0thes
with blankets akenaha balcony
Amal looked as if she didnt notice safo was waiting downstairs so ....
safo threw a stone at her balcony
amal noticed him and said
AMAL : mostafa bek!! hwa da nta?! bt3mel a ta7t
MOUSTAFA : hakoon ba3mel a 3'er eny gay ashoof 7abeebet alby
AMAL : bas enta 3aref lw waldy aw waldety shafook haykoon tasarofhom a..mmkn yt5z0 m3ak tasar0f msh saleem
MOUSTAFA : ana mafish 7aga hat2dar tb3dni 3anek tool ma7na gamb b3d wala ewa fel 3alam hat2dar tfara2 mabena ya alby..nti l hawa l btnfs0..
nti l mayah lbashrbha..nti l sagayer l bad5nha....nti lgana w na3emha!!..
AMAL : Aduuub na..Amuut na...ya magnuuuuuuun.. emshy b2a banksf :$!!
MOUSTAFA : *starts singing his 1st song*
ana wel zaman tawel
ana mesh hasebak
oul alaya magnon
oul alaya mawhom
khodha kelma meni
w mel akher hathen f youm
oul alaya magnon
oul alaya mawhom
khodha kelma meni
w mel akher hathen f youm
hatoali emshi mesh hamshi
hatgebli had yaoli emshy
ana ghasb anni mabanmshi
w baeat khlas meen gher hawak
mosh aref aeash
oul alaya magnon
oul alaya mawhom
khodha kelma meni
w mel akher hathen f youm
eaned w bardo hateshtaali
di hagat la youmken tedkhol aali
di matgesh
maho mostahel bethayaali
had etamalo da kolo
lieh mayhebnesh
oul alaya magnon
oul alaya mawhom
khodha kelma meni
w mel akher hathen f youm
oul alaya magnon
oul alaya mawhom
khodha kelma meni
w mel akher hathen f youm
hatoali emshi mesh hamshi
hatgebli had yaoli emshy
ana ghasb anni mabanmshi
w baeat khlas meen gher hawak
mosh aref aeash
oul alaya magnon
oul alaya mawhom
khodha kelma meni
w mel akher hathen f youm
oul alaya magnon
oul alaya mawhom
khodha kelma meni
w mel akher hathen f youm
oul alaya magnon
oul alaya mawhom
khodha kelma meni
w mel akher hathen f youm
oul alaya magnon
oul alaya mawhom
khodha kelma meni
w mel akher hathen f youm
oul alaya magnon
oul alaya mawhom
khodha kelma meni
w mel akher hathen f youm
Then amal says : waldety s7yt ehrab bsro3a abl mtshofak w wa23tna tb2a mhabeba !!
and safo runs .....
they hide behind the wall for the 3rd time !!
kol wa7d mafrood a3d 3al laptop
bs they're not together
w they're chatting
the conversation was :
(¯`·._.·[CuteBoy]·._.·´¯) Says :
heyz ya 7obi
(¯`·._.·[CuteBoy]·._.·´¯) Says :
3mlah a ya moza
eshta aho 3aysha ....!
*She then sends him a v0ice clip with a s0ng with her 0wn v0ice*
You won't admit you love me
And so how am I ever to know
You always tell me
Perhaps perhaps perhaps
A million times I've asked you
And then
I ask you over
You only answer
Perhaps perhaps perhaps
If you can't make your mind up
We'll never get started
And I don't wanna wind up
Being parted
So if you really love me
Say yes
But if you don't dear
And please don't tell me
Perhaps perhaps perhaps
Perhaps perhaps perhaps
If you can't make your mind up
We'll never get started
And I don't wanna wind up
Being parted
So if you really love me
Say yes
But if you don't dear
And please don't tell me
Perhaps perhaps perhaps
Perhaps perhaps perhaps
Perhaps perhaps perhaps
(¯`·._.·[CuteBoy-R0mi0 underage]·._.·´¯) Says :
Eh yabentelzarifa..Btsthmee wala ehh :S
Msh b3rf engleze 20ltelek.. :S
Wna 22dar bard0 :$
(¯`·._.·[CuteBoy-R0mi0 underage]·._.·´¯) Says :
0mal eda..Ngzi..nti hat7flelee?! :S
Y0h ba2a..nta msh fahem k0l daa..
(¯`·._.·[CuteBoy-R0mi0 underage]·._.·´¯) Says :
La2 bast3bat!!
Tb w ehh?!
msh 3ayez t20li 7aga?!
(¯`·._.·[CuteBoy-R0mi0 underage]·._.·´¯) Says :
(¯`·._.·[CuteBoy-R0mi0 underage]·._.·´¯) Says :
Eda nti bttksfi meni wala eh?!
la la na msh 7ad 3'reeb,..mynf3sh ttksfi meni..
wala eh?!
*Bs tab3an Lbasha..k0l l kalam l by20l0 da..AWHAM!!*
*Raye7 ba2a h0wa dlwa2ty y7ki l sa7b0 l saduuk
..2al y3nii...
(¯`·._.·[CuteBoy-R0mi0 underage]·._.·´¯) Says :
B0s yalla bt20li ehh ..lbet d shklha kda 20maha wa23tha ktiir 3la rasha whya s03'yra...
wbt3'ani w gaw..HAHAHA
Habla habla y3ni msh btharag..
*Bs tab3an fl zaman l e7na fee da..7ata las7ab ..mb2uuush as7ab..sa7eb m0stafa l mfruud n h0wa SADUUk!
ra7 2al lamal 3la k0l 7aga m0stafa alha 3aleha...Zaman eswed wmnyel!!*
Ba2a na Habla yaa &%$$%#&^%$&$%#$%#%@ (70zf llrkaba!!
Wnta faker nfsak eh ba2a isaa ??
k0L Y0M mashele m3 bent..t0t0 w s0s0 wl0l0...20LI BAS FAKER NFSAK EHH?!
(¯`·._.·[CuteBoy-R0mi0 underage]·._.·´¯) Is n0w 0ffline!! (Bl0cked tab3an ya amula
*They g0 behind the wall nd then they c0me 0ut..each 0ne 0f them talkin 0n the cell..*
First part 0f 4th time :
Saf0:aloo aiwa ya kashufty
Amal:al00 aiwa ya 7almbu7tyyy..tamamat?
Saf0:awi awi
ba2olek ya roo7y
Amal:eh ya baby
Saf0:etla3eeli foo2 3shan ana mstaneeky bel helicopter[image]
Amal:uffff nta geet bl helic0pter leeeh .. msh 20ltlak 3yza aruu7 l cirque l fata7 gdeed fl amar nhrda :S
Saf0:ya bobo 2oltlk zomaret l saroo5 3and l tayar fa lw msheet beeha kda hays7bo l faramel !!
Amal:Ufff 7egagak l far3'a dee..
3amtan na 5laas..balbes sHa3ri w tal3a 3la to0l
b20lak sa7ee7 ella hwa l gaw eh nhrda?!
bard ..albes l bikinii??
wala 7ar..ageeb l m0nteau m3aya?!
aslh0m by20l0 ly0men d0l fd0r influenza ltyuuur m0mtsher fl balad..wna 5ayfa al20t0 :S
Nta 3aref ba2a ..f02 batriikat(gam3 batriiik!!
) w bat w wezz w5afafiish wbtaa3!!
Saf0:l2 elbesy l bikini
3shan l gaw
sa23 awi
Amal:tyb yalla CYA!
Saf0: BYA
*amal tal3alo b2a*
*waraha msln bta3 56 tefl*
*dar aytam y3ni !!
*tal3een kolohom SURPRISE
*Wk0l wa7ed mluush ay 3laka bl tani..wa7ed zengy ..wa7ed abyad..wa7ed asfar..wa7ed a5dar..etc*
Safo :
amal : (K)(K)
eh ya 7abubii f ehh..
Safo :mafish
homa dool meen bs
Amal : estana bas lama 220laak
na embare7 knt zah2ana awii w 23da lw7di fl beet msh la2ya 7aga 23mlha
ru7t nzlt ma7al lgdeed l fata7 f 25er l share3 da..
wsh0fth0m m2drtsh amsek nfsi
knt lazem ashtrii
Safo : gbteehom 3LA kam ?!
Amal : lwa7ed b 0392-392-392-3-23-2932-3 miili0n gall0n (l30mla l gdeda;)) bas !!!!
Safo : ezakan kda OKSH
tb yalla nrkab
3shan nl7a2 l film ml awl
*k0Lh0m byrkb0 fl helic0pter..nd saf0 starts takin 0ff..*
Safo : :\:\
Amal : malak ya balluna f ehh ..btuff uff leeh... l uff uffa msh k0wysa 3la fekra 3shan se7et l awlad!!
Safo :wala 7aga :S
*he starts singing*
3alek 3ouyoun se7raha 3`allab w el alb ahw dab madary 3eneik
3alek 3ouyoun bta5odni awam ba2a da esmo kalam allah yegazek
w ana kont maly awel ma 3ena gat fe 3eni eh garaly
awel ma 3ena gat fe 3eni eh garaly eh garaly ya nas
3alek 3ouyoun se7raha 3`allab w el alb ahw dab madary 3eneik
3alek 3ouyoun bta5odni awam ba2a da esmo kalam allah yegazek
da kan le feen ya salam ya salam mesh la2y kalam ye7ky elly ana feh
da kan le feen maktoub le adoub men nazra ya doub w ana ha3mel eh
w ana kont maly awel ma 3ena gat fe 3eni eh garaly
awel ma 3ena gat fe 3eni eh garaly eh garaly ya nas
*safo suddenly stops the heli.*
and says: AMAL
*fata7t bab l heli.w za2etha hya wel 56 bto3ha dool ..!!*
*Amal nezzlet 7ata delha f snnha !!*
She starts singin :
"Dans mes absence parfois sans doute
J'aurai pu m'eloigner
Comme si j'avais perdu ma route
Comme si j'avais changer
Alors j'ai quelque mots tendresse
Juste pour le dire
Je ne vous oublie pas non jamais
Vous ?tes au creux de moi
Dans ma vie dans tout ce que je fait
Mes premier amour mes premier r?ve
Sont venu avec vous
C'est notre histoire a nous
Je ne vous oublie pas, non jamais
Vous savez tant de moi
De ma vie de tout ce que j'en fait
Alors ma bonheur mes d?chirure
Ce partage avec vous
C'est Notre histoire a nous
Je ne vous oublie pas
Parce que le temps peu mettre en cage
Nos r?ve et nos envie
Je fait mes choix et mes voyages
Parfois j'en paye le prix
La vie me sourie ou me blesse
Quelle que soit ma vie
Je ne vous oublie pas, non jamais
Vous ?tes au creux de moi
Dans ma vie dans tout ce que je fait
Mes premier amour mes premier r?ve
Sont venu avec vous
C'est notre histoire a nous(X3)"
Amal: l7md0lelah nna m3ana red bull 3shan nrg3 l beet!!
*safo and amal jump out of that kind of cartoon thing they called a helicopter*
*since this isnt future*
then thank goodness i aint married to u amal
ntfahem bara bs
then they get out of the eval room
Thanks ...!!